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Time to Kick Off Your Labor Day Weekend with The Best Gas Station Foods From 25 of Your Favorite Artists!

Fiona Culley- Oh snap Pickles
Charlie Farley- Anything in the hot box
Lucy Angel- Vanilla diet coke, honey wheat pretzels, beef jerky
Devin Burris- There is a gas station not too far from my house that has the best gas station food i’ve ever had. They have sausage dogs and pizza that is to die for. And you don’t have to pay for it later *wink-wink
Logan Mize- Casey’s General Store Pizza
Matt Rogers- Golden Pantry biscuits
Jesse Rice- Gotta be beef jerky!
Julia Capogrossi- Tacos! During my recent music video shoot for Busch Light Budget, our Director bought a bunch of chicken tacos at this super middle-of-nowhere gas station where we shot. It was sketchy, but they were the best tacos I’ve had. And felt fine afterwards!
Caroline Jones- Nuts. I love almonds.
Crystal Day- Oh, if I’m on the road and stop at a gas station, I’m going all out on the junk food! There’s something about Cheetos that takes me back to my childhood so I always grab a bag of those and I’m a huge Sour Patch kid fan so those make their way in there.
Bailey James- Cheeze-Its and Fiji Water
Travis Rice- Two hot dogs, a bag of Bugles, and an Arnold Palmer!
Sarah Ross- Do Haribo gummy bears count?
Southern Halo-
Natalia- Quest Protein Bars. I literally cannot go a day on the road without one. But the fruit cups are definitely a good choice, too!
Christina- Any type of beef jerky does pretty fine for me. I’m a fan of all kinds! Best source of protein while on the road, and a girl like me always needs it.
Hannah- My go-to gas station food is either a KIND Bar or a pack of peanuts! These snacks always hold me over until our next stop.
Delta Rae’s Grant Emerson- Wasabi & Soy Almonds, and seltzer water
Mark Bray-I will say this. I rarely find a gas station or convenience store that carries Reese’s Nutrageous bar, so when I find it, I buy it every time
T. Graham Brown- Pork rinds
Tommy Chayne- lawd I love it. Chicken, corn nuggets, chicken cheese wraps and egg rolls
Will Hoge- Any of the MTO’s from Sheetz or Wawa
Kayla Calabrese- Hmmm…I would have to say Smartfood white cheddar popcorn!
Smithfield- Pita Chips!
Clark Hill- Pilot Hot Dogs! LOL Joes BBQ in Kansas City is in a gas station though, so it’s close.
Ryan Follese- Sheetz…. Anything at Sheetz. It’s the go to spot for road warriors.
Amber DeLaCruz— Teriyaki Beef Jerky and Hillbilly Spring Rolls
Nick Hickman-I usually get Beef Jerky or Peanut M&Ms.

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